Tag Archives: Soccergunz

Nigerian Blog Awards 2013: Nominate Amoscp’s Blog and Soccergunz

Dear Friends,

Happy new month. That seems late but isnt it late than never? Welcome to the month of October.

It is that time of the year where nominations are made for the Nigerian Blog Awards. The awards is done annually and recognizes blogs onwed by Nigerians and blogs that are Nigerian in content.

Since September 18, 2012, i have been running two blogs; amoscp’s blog and The Soccergunz. The URL of which are amoscp.wordpress.com and soccergunz.wordpress.com respectively.

Amoscp’s blog is a blog on my personal experiences in different facet and phases of life. The experiences are true life and incorporates others’ experiences. The blog also doubles as a christain blog with numerous bible passages and christain faith explained and laid bare.

The above listed qualities qualifies Amoscp’s Blog as a Personal Blog and a Faith-Based blog. So apend your nominations at http://nigerianblogawards.com/register2013.php and choose amoscp.wordpress.com as the Best Personal Blog (section 17) and the best Faith Based Blog (section 8)

Soccergunz is my sports blog. I write about football especially and Arsenal FC most of the time. I discus football here, be it the ènglish premier league or the Nigeria Premeir league. On soccergunz, i write on the Super Eagles and anything that relates with Nigerian football, though not as much as Arsenal FC.

So, nominate soccergunz.wordpress.com as the Best Sports Blog (section 23) and the Best New Blog (section 14) on http://nigerianblogawards.com/register2013.php
Soccergunz was created on 18.09.2012 and thus qualifies for the best New Blog which for blogs created after August 2012.

So friends, I need your nominations. You can only use an email address once. So, for every email you have nominate my two blogs for the above categories.

I appreciate your nominations alot.

Thanks and God Bless.

Follow @amoscp and @soccergunz on twitter.

Chibuzor Amos

Amoscp’s Blog is One;

I am delighted to celebrate a year birthday of this blog. 366 days ago Amoscp’s Blog joined the wordpress.com blogs immediately after soccergunz Blog was created. It was two days after i had celebrated my birthday in 2012. So I celebrate as Soccergunz celebrates


This blog consist personal views of various areas of life hinged on Jesus Christ as the Author and Finisher. The views on this blog are unique to young Christian minds and aim at bettering the human race especially the Nigerian youths.

I have written about many things that affect the average Nigerian youth, from Christianity and the Bible to Education and ASUU, through football and a series of poems and different opinion of popular topics.

As of september 19, 2013, 28 post have been published with Educate a woman, educate a nation being the greatest of all. Who is That Kid That Couldn’t Spell Television? , The Complete Sermon and Answer Like Jesus are other top posts. The last UTME and The Reality was a great post on facebook.

The 28 posts have had 25 comments and 373 views averaging just over a view a day with the highest view being 20 views on August 2, 2013. On twitter I am followed by over 60 @amoscp and 17 on wordpress.com.

Blogging has been exciting foe me though difficult because of increased responsibilities. Nevertheless i would continue to use this medium to share the goodnews.

God Bless you all