My Nokia X2-01 is Two

It was an harmattan hazed afternoon in the Alaba International suburb of Lagos. The roads were rowdy and the market was crowded with many shopping last minute in anticipation of the expected close of the market in 4 days time. It was the December 20th of 2011.

I had returned from the cosmopolitan town of Zungeru, the 1st capital of Amalgamated Nigeria. There was one action item that i needed to close out: Get a Nokia phone that could browse. With the remnant of 6 months paid NYSC allowance, i delved into the market with my brother, an Alaba International specialist.

I chose Nokia X2-01 on that day and immediately felt fly perusing the phone. This X2-01 relegated my Nokia 1200 to background and took center stage. I immediately downloaded relevant application that could keep me company in times of solace. Opera Mini, 2go, PES 2011, F1 Racing, Whatsapp are example of such.

This phone has seen the sands of time, crossed the two major rivers of NIgeria, had it share of falls and hits, beaten by rain and storm, scratched and even man-handled (phone-handled). With my game-ful-ness, i have pressed away the descriptions on the key but can still navigate my way around.

I may have landed on the newest planet on the galaxy, but the proximity of my X2-01 still remains. My real line is on it.

I have moved from Sony Erricson T200 in January 2006, to Nokia 1112, which was stolen in 2008. Another Nokia 1112 made up for the stolen one till i ventured into the walls of China to get an Xbluetooth dual-sim phone in the christmas periods of 2008. These dual-sim chinco phone was never to last as its connectivity problems made me get another Nokia phone: 1200.

Happy Birthday my Nokia X2-01.

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