Just Believe

Originally posted on The Experience Series on The Exceller Blog.

Luke 1:37

For with God, nothing shall be impossible.


I have always seen the higher institution as a laboratory scale of the world. It is mini society that tells you about the bigger society, a microcosm. It tells the present and gives hints about the future. It prepares you for life outside the walls of the school. You are far away from your family. Even if you stay with them, you are constantly being influenced by the new interactions in school. New ideas come into your peripheral and your mind is meant to accept, adjust or reject these ideas. You are exposed but it is a race that you are expected to finish. The higher institution is like a race. A good number of students finish the school race but how well did they finish?

I will share with you a good number of things that were key in my years as a student in the higher institution. Today, I will look at one – BELIEVE.

To believe is to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so. – dictionary.reference.com

To believe is (a) to have a firm religious faith, (b) to accept something as true or real, (c) to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something. – Merriam-webstar.com

The two definitions above tells you all you need to know about believe. I am more excited about some key words in the definitions – Confidence, truth, real, conviction, proof.


Accept, admit, be certain of, be convinced of, have faith in, have no doubt in, rest assured, take as gospel, trust

So many of us came into school and the first info that hits one is the stories of people that failed. You may even have met one of them outside school. Fear may have been planted in you especially if you are doing a “hard” course. People try to sell their ideas and plans to you all mixed up with their weaknesses and fear.

I read Chemical Engineering and the message I got from the returning students during my clearance was not encouraging. There was always this “hmmm… chemical hard oh”. But I didn’t build my belief on those discouraging words. I took my course outline and scanned through all the courses I will need to pass before I can be awarded with a degree in Chemical Engineering.

One key information that caught my attention was the grade points and how they were grouped. I immediately fell in love with the upper echelon – First class. At first I asked myself if it was possible. 4.5 over 5 GP can be translated to 90% pass mark. It looked difficult. But on further investigation I realized that I needed to get just 70% per course to achieve a 5/5. Is that not possible? If you can get 45%, you can get 50%. If you can get 65%, you can get 70%. Why settle for less when a little effort can push you a little higher.

While scanning through the outline, I knew about the various periods of internship. I pictured myself in three different firms for those three periods. I believed I will do my internship in firms like them. I did two-third of my internship just as I said to myself in first year. Speak positively to yourself and believe.  Believe

I saw the task, I believed I will succeed. I was only sure of my first year school fees, but I believed it will be taken care of. By who? I didn’t need to worry myself. Cultism is real; I believed I was invisible. This course is difficult; I believed it was a no – brainer. I believed against beliefs. I saw things from another perspective – the positive perspective. I had to think positively in the midst of negativity.


Disbelieve, distrust, mistrust, reject, question, doubt, discredit, dispute.

In my very first month in school, a certain higher level guy said to me: “You can’t make it in this school if you do not go to night class”. That was heavy but I didn’t believe him. I believed otherwise. I never went to any night class and I made it. They are so many other examples but I didn’t just stop at believing. I had to make some decisions. We will talk about those decisions in subsequent posts.

One of the first step to getting closer to God is to believe in him (John 3:16). This is applicable to our everyday life. You need to first believe that you can make it. You need to believe that you will arrive safe, you would finish in time, you will achieve your goal, you will receive an alert, you will pass that course. Just believe.

Mark 9:23

Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth

If you have committed all into His hands, it will be wise for you to worry not. If you have not, it is never too late. He will lead you if you ask him to. Just believe in Him. Put your confidence in him.

John 14:1

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Be free. Don’t limit yourself. Just Believe. Do you know who you are?

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